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Line 6 Spider IV75 Line 6 Spider IV75
Professionelle Gitarristen, angesehene Produzenten und die Sound-Designer von Line 6® haben Monate mit dem Feilen an Sounds zugebracht, die wie die Faust aufs Auge passen. So haben Sie mehr Zeit zum Spielen. Ob Sie einen Probe-Amp oder...
299,00 € *
Engl Powerball 2 E645/2 Engl Powerball 2 E645/2
POWERBALL E645 Die EVOLUTION des Powerball Sounds: der Nachfolger des Powerball 1 bietet ein Low End ohne Kompromisse, und dabei noch vielseitigere ROCK/METAL Sounds. Die 4 Kanäle liefern ein bisher nie da gewesenes Spektrum an Hi und...
1.599,00 € *
Engl Metalmaster 20 Combo 1x10 E304 Engl Metalmaster 20 Combo 1x10 E304
Features 2 Channels: Clean, Lead Serial FX Loop Power Soak (Full Power, 5 Watts, 1 Watt, Speaker Off) Frequency Compensated Line Out' Sound Options Mid Scoop Reverb Controls Gain (for each Channel) 3-Band EQ (shared) - Reverb Lead Volume...
849,01 € *
Engl Rockmaster 20 Combo 1x10 E302 Engl Rockmaster 20 Combo 1x10 E302
Features 2 Channels: Clean, Lead Serial FX Loop Power Soak (Full Power 5 W, Speaker Off 1 W) Frequency Compensated Line Out Sound Options Mid Boost - Reverb Controls Gain (for each Channel) 3-Band EQ (shared) - Reverb Lead Volume Master...
849,01 € *
Engl Poweramp 50/50 E840 Engl Poweramp 50/50 E840
Features 2 Channels: Left A / Right A, Left B / Right B All Tube stereo Rack Poweramp 2 HE Ground Lift Sound Options Gain A/B Volume A/B Presence Controls Volume Left A Volume Left B Volume Right A Volume Right B Presence Left A Presence...
999,01 € *
Engl Ironball E606 Head 20 Engl Ironball E606 Head 20
Features 4 Channels: Clean, Crunch, Soft Lead, Heavy Lead All Tube Head Power Soak (Full Power, 5 Watts, 1 Watt, Speaker Off) Headphones Tube buffered serial FX Loop Master Volume Boost (M.V.B.) Balanced Line Output' Sound Options Gain...
849,01 € *
Engl Fireball 100 E635 Engl Fireball 100 E635
Das neue ENGL Fireball Design unterstreicht den neuen Soundcharakter der Fireball Verstärker Reihe. Im Vergleich zur E 625 60 Watt Version, klingt der Fireball 100 im unteren Mittenbereich deutlich kräftiger und dunkler. Der neu...
1.399,00 € *
Engl E412VSB Engl E412VSB
Features Angled Front Closed Back Solid Siberian Birch (14 times folded) Construction Parallel Input and Thru for Daisy Chaining Solid hand welded Metall Grille Speaker 12" Celestion Vintage 30 Power Handling 240 W (mono) 2 x 120 W...
999,01 € *
Engl E412VGB Engl E412VGB
Features Straight Front Closed Back Solid Siberian Birch (14 times folded) Construction Parallel Input and Thru for Daisy Chaining Solid hand welded Metall Grille Speaker 12" Celestion Vintage 30 Power Handling 240 W (mono) 2 x 120 W...
999,01 € *
Engl E112VB Engl E112VB
Features Straight Front Closed Back Solid Siberian Birch (14 times folded) Construction Parallel Input and Thru for Daisy Chaining Solid hand welded Metall Grille Speaker: 12" Celestion Vintage 30 Power Handling: 60 W Impedance: 8 Ω...
399,00 € *
Engl E212VHB Engl E212VHB
Features Straight Front Closed Back Solid Siberian Birch (14 times folded) Construction Parallel Input and Thru for Daisy Chaining Solid hand welded Metall Grille Speaker 12" Celestion Vintage 30 Power Handling 120 W (mono) 2 x 60 W...
599,00 € *
ENGL E212VB Cabinet ENGL E212VB Cabinet
Features Angled Front Closed Back Solid Siberian Birch (14 times folded) Construction Parallel Input and Thru for Daisy Chaining Solid hand welded Metall Grille Speaker 12" Celestion Vintage 30 Power Handling 120 W (mono) 2 x 60 W...
749,00 € *
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